Exploring 'THE MEDIA' in all its forms...




NOTE THIS IS THE SATURDAY OF THAT WEEKEND as there is the Hinkley model show that is reasonably locally already booked for the Sunday

This date has been swapped with the Spring Craft Fair, which runs in conjunction, and that will be held SUNDAY 6th

Who will be there? Click the above MEDIA MODELLING 6 logo

Scroll to the bottom of this page for table prices, times and other details
NOTE - some of these have changed!


The first MEDIA MODELLING was May 2018, the second in May 2019
The third had to wait until May 2022
The fourth moved to earlier in the year - March 2023, repeated for 2024
Click relevant logo for a full report on each show

MedMod 5 -logo Held 24th March 2024
Med Mod 4 - logo Held 19th March 2023
MM3- logo Held 22nd May 2022
Media Modelling 2 - logo Held 5th May 2019
Media Modelling 1 - logo Held 6th May 2018

For the overall idea of MEDIA MODELLING, continue to scroll down
Remember that this show isn't 'just' film and television, and certainly isn't 'just' science fiction and fantasy - though of course we are not excluded that!

We are looking of modelling subjects - as the MEDIA MODELLING logo says, not only Film and TV, but Books, Comics, the Theatre, Video Games, items in the News, and expanding media and publishing even wider - how about images that have appeared on Record & DVD Covers? (Scroll further down for examples...)

And you can win your own
for the best model -
whether it be individual, collection or diorama




continue scrolling for yet more ideas!

ZZ Top ZZ Top
... examples from record covers - as depicted here by ZZ Top

To give everyone even more ideas of what we'd like to be displayed, a reminder of the ideas from the first show web page... Below - a number of examples, the top three have the sort of 'details' alongside that would be nice!

Moonstrke 3rd Rock Cessna-Red Square

The Airfix Westland Lysander is build as from the 1960s BBC TV series Moonstrike

Here is small cover of the relevant Radio Times to illustrate this, plus an image from the series

An old Jo-Han 1961 Rambler American built as the one used by the Solomon family in 3rd Rock from the Sun

Details have been printed out to explain this

This Italeri Cessna kit was issued 'as from a news story' when the German, Mathias Rust, landed it in Moscow's Red Square in 1987

A report on this is included to explain it - as does the Italeri box itself

Below : yet more ideas that show the wide range of subject-matter you could tackle - from individual models of craft, vehicles and figures, to collections, simple scenes or more intricate dioramas

Yes there are some spaceships and aliens in there, but there's a lot more besides

This wide range is what we want for MEDIA MODELLING


Remember that "Popular Beat Combo"?

Maybe you have the original Revell kits still around? (left)

Or the newer set from Polar Lights? (right)

Either would be ideal for

Yellow Submarine

The Boeing 747 as flown by Captain Bruce Dickinson, AKA, lead singer with Iron Maiden (left) (The Revell kit)

Scrat and Manny (or maybe Ellie?) from Ice Age (right)


The Black Pearl from Pirates of the Caribbean (left)


"Have you ever seen a Panther that is Pink?" - yep - here (right)

A touch of Hogwarts from Harry Potter (left)


Around the World in 80 Days - the old Adams kit (right)

The Dukes of Hazzard could supply many model ideas, (left),


But (right) how about the Grumman Duck (the ITC/Glencoe Kit) built as the star from the movie
Murphy's War

Even radio can give ideas, (left) here's Tony Archer's (rather clean) Little Grey Fergie tractor - the Heller kit - as from The Archers


On the other hand, (right) there's a vast amount of ideas with Japanese Robots!

The Minions (left) could create havoc or alternatively, create many options,


While (right) Number 6 is still
"A Free Man"
(The Lotus is the Tamia kit)

(left) A scratchbuilt, 'Greased Lightning', as from Grease, (left). It would of course have also fitted into the previous show, AUTOMODELLISMO


And, (right) OK it's SF, but it's not all spaceships...
(uses the Pegasus kit)


(left) Why not the theatre - it's all 'the media'? Here's a model with a difference of the Regency Theatre


Whereas (right) Wallace & Gromit - and Shawn the Sheep could provide countless ideas
(Using elements from
the Airfix kit)

The Finest hours

(left) Not all movie ships fly in space, here's one that floats on the ocean - the Glencoe kit of the US Coast Guard boat as from The Finest Hours

And (right) not all figures are from Star Trek or Alien... though sometimes The Three Stooges seemed pretty alien...
(Polar Lights' kits)

Three Stooges

OK, (left) science fiction, but also a 'car ' - the Space Chariot from Lost in Space (Moebius kit)


Whereas (right) this one was all set 'on Earth' but with 'SF elements' - Uncle Martin' and his spaceship from
My Favorite Martian
( Pegasus kit)


My Favorite Martian

(left) Not 'science fiction' but 'science fact' - the Apollo craft - as from the movie Apollo 13, (and of course - let us not forget - real life...)

(right) Mixing 'fact' and 'fiction' the underwater guise of the Fujimi Lotus Elite from the Bond movie The Spy Who Loved Me

OK it's Star Trek (left) but - with a nod to the previous show Extreme Weathering
so here's the Enterprise with, ahem, 'a bit of weathering'

While (right) - how about combing 'media' - here Wallace & Gromit - fly Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (sort of...)

Blakes 7

Yes (left) there will always be spaceships in science fiction - and 2018 was the 40th anniversary of Blake's 7


But (right) these take ideas of planes and cars found in the W.E.Johns' Biggles books



Setup for dealers and exhibitors from 8.00am


Dealers & Kit Swap : £20.00 per table
Clubs and individuals displaying : free - maximum of two tables
(more can be booked, but will have to paid for at the standard rate)
pay via PayPal to: paypal@hamex.co.uk
NOTE - you do not have to have a PayPal account to use this system

Any queries, contact info@hamex.co.uk
- please put the name of the Show in the subject line

£2 per adult , accompanied children, (16 and under), free
(children, 16 and under, are only allowed in with a responsible adult)

MEDIA MODELLING replaces two of our previous shows - AUTOMODELLISMO and Extreme Weathering - though - as indicated above - there could be elements of both in MEDIA MODELLING

But - and very important - in no way does it 'replace' our major 'space, science fiction and fantasy' show smallspace